PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS)
GCSD will attempt to keep updated information posted on this page as it is passed along to us from Tuolumne County Office of Emergency Services (OES). Questions about the information presented should be directed to county OES, as we will pass along updates exactly as received; typically two times daily.
October 28, 2019 6:00am - The “all-clear” time has been pushed back to early this morning. Patrols cannot begin until dawn, so this alone shouldn’t drastically affect our restoration times.
Looking forward, the forecast is holding for a potential PSPS early Tuesday morning with an all-clear projected Wednesday afternoon. Once again, additional models will be run tonight and we will look for updates tomorrow morning to see if conditions or timing have changed.
Sunday 10-27-19, 8:00am - Weather & Timing: The de-energization process was started at 12:42 last night for Tuolumne County. The magnitude of this event across the State is meeting the expectations of PG&E’s forecast. At the State level, wind gusts have been recorded up to 93mph and sustained winds of 72 mph up North. There has been no change in the all-clear time which should occur around midnight tonight. After the all-clear, PG&E will begin the process of restoring power systematically across the County and deal with any potential damages to their infrastructure.
PG&E has partnered with the Groveland CSD to locate a Community Resource Center (CRC) at the upper parking lot of Mary Laveroni Park. The CRC will be open from 8:00AM to 8:00PM and will offer expanded services, including non-perishable snacks, water and coffee, additional charging capabilities for medical devices, PG&E customer giveaways such as batteries for flashlights and portable cell phone chargers as well as WiFi. These CRC’s will remain open until power is restored across the County.
Potential Next event: There is another system that is a few days behind this current event that could create conditions for another PSPS around mid-week. This system is forecasting weaker than this current event, but still may meet the wind/humidity conditions that lead to these Public Safety Power Shutoffs. PG&E noted that while the winds are not quite as strong as this event, the winds are continuing to dry out the fuels and create even lower humidity conditions. As we have seen with this current event, weather conditions are dynamic and forecasts change constantly. However as an early look, a potential PSPS could occur as early as Wednesday morning. There is no anticipated time for the all-clear and we will keep you posted as conditions change.