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Sewer System Management Plan

GCSD provides sewer service to approximately 1,590 connections including residents and businesses. The District’s sewer collection system consists of laterals, manholes, 35 miles of gravity mains, 7 miles of force mains and 16 lift stations. The collection system conveys wastewater to the District’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located in north Groveland, west of Ferretti Rd.

The District owns and operates the WWTP under WDRs No. 87-121. Wastewater is primarily domestic in origin. Treated effluent is discharged to one surface storage reservoir and disposed of on approximately 15 acres of spray fields. The collection system within Big Oak Flats and Groveland consists of 241 connections. Wastewater from Big Oak Flat flows by gravity to Lift Station 16, where it is pumped into a force main connecting to the gravity flow collection system in Groveland. This wastewater, along with wastewater from connections in Groveland, then flows by gravity to the WWTP. Additional collection system elements serve the Pine Mountain Lake area, which will also be evaluated in this study.

GCSD is required to comply with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Order No. 2006‐0003 DWQ, entitled “General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems” (General WDRs). AM Consulting Engineers has prepared this update to the District’s Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) to comply with the WDR.

FINAL Groveland SSMP 2019 Update.pdf