Notice to Registered Voters Residing Within the Groveland Community Services District: Vacant Board of Director’s Seat

On January 5, 2018 Groveland Community Services District (GCSD) Board Member Scott Wemmer submitted his letter of resignation from the GCSD Board of Directors. Mr. Wemmer was elected to a term set to expire November 2020. The Board has decided to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors by appointment.
GCSD is a public agency formed under community services district law, California Government Code section 61000, et seq. The District provides water, wastewater, parks and fire services to the communities of Big Oak Flat and Groveland, including Pine Mountain Lake, and area to the east of Groveland. The Board of Directors is made up of 5 members elected at large. The person that is selected to replace Mr. Wemmer shall hold office until the next general district election that is scheduled130 or more days after the date the district board is notified of the vacancy, and thereafter until the person elected at that election to fill the vacancy has been qualified. The person elected to fill the vacancy shall fill the balance of the unexpired term.
Board Members are expected to attend regularly scheduled Board Meetings on the second Monday of each month. Board Meetings normally begin at 10am and continue until the Board’s business is completed. Board Members are also expected to serve on committees and attend special Board Meetings.
To qualify to serve as a GCSD Board Member, candidates must be registered to vote within the District and live within the service area of the District. Those interested in being considered to fill the vacancy are asked to fill out the Board Seat Appointment Application, submit a resume, and prepare a letter of interest that explains why they wish to become a GCSD director and what skill sets and experience they would bring to the Board. Applications, resumes, and letters of interest may be submitted in person at the District Office located at 18966 Ferretti Rd., Groveland, CA 95321, by mail to: P.O. Box 350, Groveland, CA 95321, or by email to Applications can be picked up in the office or downloaded from the District website at
The Board will accept applications until 4:00pm, Wednesday, February 14, 2018.
The Board will interview the candidates at a Special Public Meeting scheduled for February 17, 2018 at 6:00pm at the Tenaya Elementary School Cafeteria. Members of the public are encouraged to attend, and will be provided an opportunity to comment on the Board's decision in selecting a candidate for appointment.
Please contact Jennifer Flores, Office Manager/District Secretary at (209) 962-7161 ext. 13 or by email at, with any questions regarding the filling of the Board vacancies.