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GCSD Prepared for PG&E Power Outage (PSPS)

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Please be prepared for PG&E to have the power system off (de-energized) potentially for 5 days beginning approximately Wednesday, 10/9/19.  To reduce stress on our emergency backup power generators and to ensure a reliable community water supply during this long-term outage:

  • GCSD Water Service will Remain On – The GCSD water will remain safe and unaffected by the power outage
  • Expect Generator noise - Please understand that our two dozen emergency generators throughout the community MUST run constantly (24 hours per day while power is out) and will unfortunately be noisy until the power is restored
  • Conserve Water –During the power outage, turn off outdoor irrigation systems including drip and spray irrigation until the power is back on Conserve water indoors as much as possible during the power outage by limiting shower time, reducing laundry and dishwashing if possible

GCSD is prepared to provide reliable water and wastewater services during power outages resulting from PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS).  As you can imagine, it takes electrical power to properly treat the drinking water we deliver to your home; and to pump the sewage from the neighborhoods up to the wastewater treatment plant, where it is then treated.  GCSD has installed large emergency power generators at all sewer and water pump stations, and the water and wastewater treatment plants.  GCSD staff will be busy during the power outage ensuring that the generators are functioning correctly and have adequate fuel; so you will see us in all corners of the community during this time.  

We do apologize in advance for generator noise, and hope the weather cooperates and PSPS ends quickly!   Stay tuned to or our Facebook page for updates, and call the office if you have any questions; (209) 962-7161. 

For more information on the PG&E Power Supply Shutdown click here.